What is the PPG?
We are particularly fortunate to have a very active Patient Participation Group (PPG) at Appletree. It is becoming increasingly important that the patients’ collective voice is heard when it comes to the design and delivery of healthcare.
The PPG:
- Works with the Practice to offer the patient perspective on the services it provides.
- Helps to improve communication between the Practice and the patient population.
- Encourages patients to take more responsibility for their health.
- Provides practical support for others in the community.
A PPG is NOT the Practice’s complaint system (there is a robust complaints procedure in place); nor is it a forum to air personal issues. But neither is it a Doctors fan club. To be valuable the PPG must have the confidence to challenge the Practice in line with any issue brought forward. It should be self organising and patient led.
The benefits of an effective PPG are felt by the patients, the Practice and the wider community in which it operates.
If you are interested in learning more about the PPG, please ask at reception or download the leaflet below.
or simply attend a meeting – you would be very welcome.
The Group meets are held quarterly on the last Wednesday of the month at 6.30 – 8.00pm :
- January
- April
- July
- October
Appletree Patient Participation Group
In association with Appletree Medical Practice, Duffield, Derbyshire
Chairs’ Annual Report
Chairs’ Annual Report 2019-2020
Minutes of Meetings