Diabetes Review – during Covid-19

Your records show that your annual diabetes review is due.  However, because of the Covid-19 Pandemic we are doing this differently.

Dr Hewitt – GP lead for diabetes,  has reviewed your medical records and you have been identified as someone who has well controlled diabetes & associated risk factors (eg. good blood sugar control as per the HbA1c  long term sugar control blood test and blood pressure control , low cholesterol, normal kidney function and low risk feet).

Therefore we do not need to see you but request:

  • you organise an annual blood test by printing the attached form – if you do not have any printing facilities, please collect the form from reception. You will need to press the intercom in the reception foyer on arrival and please wear a face covering.
  • once you have a printed blood form, please book an appointment at www.uhdb.nhs.uk/servicephlebotomy-blood-tests/ or we have a limited number of appointments at Appletree Medical Practice.
  • we do not require a urine test this year.
  • if you have access to a blood pressure machine, please let us know your latest readings. You can email these in the [email protected] with your name, DOB & address.

We have already reviewed and updated your repeat medication.  However, please contact the surgery for a telephone review with Ryan Illott – advanced nurse practitioner & prescriber or Dr Ruth Hewitt if:

  • You feel any of your medications are not working properly
  • The nature of your medical condition has changed
  • You are experiencing side effects
  • You have stopped or changed the way you take any of your medicines
  • You have any questions about your medicines or your diabetes.

We will only contact you regarding your blood results if we have concerns but you will be able to view the results if you have online access or speak to a receptionist for the results by ringing the surgery.

You can get advice regarding your diabetes from www.diabetes org.uk

Things you can do to help yourself:

  • Eat sensibly. Try not to snack continuously or over eat.
  • Weigh yourself weekly & if your weight is creeping up do something about it sooner  than later
  • Avoid excess alcohol. Try low calorie alternatives with ice and lemon or a glass of water between each alcoholic drink
  • Look after your feet. Moisturise them regularly & check for any cracks or skin defects/ulcers
  • Keep active & take regular exercise
  • Take your medication as prescribed. If unsure speak to a diabetes nurse or doctor
  • If you have high blood pressure buy a monitor & check your blood pressure every few months